Angel Chiropractic
Dr. Sheppard is a holistic chiropractor specializing in homeopathy, chinese herbal medicine, and nutrition. Her primary focus is on healing chronic diseases such as allergies, asthma, chronic fatigue and menopause. She uses gentle, respiratory techniques along with advanced tools and nutrition to restore you to optimum vibrant health.
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
HCG Diet: Day 37-38, November 1-2
Days 37-38 on HCG
Weight: 145.5 lbs.
21 pounds lighter!!
Today is my last day taking the HCG drops... The next three days are going to be challenging. Doing the same low 500 calories, but no drops!!!
I am very pleased with the results. By the end of this week, my new weight will be set. I will run my BMI and if it is below 25, I will not need to do another HCG 500 calorie round to lose the last 10 lbs. I will do the 1000 calorie protocol along with HCG. I also will need to add resistance exercise for toning, and more interval training.
This will be the future project after a six weeks break, when I can eat all kinds of delicious foods except for sugar & starches.
Thanksgiving will be very special. I will be with my son, his wife, my grandson and my husband in "The Big Apple", all of us enjoying each other, sharing great food... and celebrating our success stories!!
HCG Diet: Day 35-36, October 30-31
Days 35-36 on HCG
Weight 146 Lbs. Yeah!!
Today I finally reached the 20 lbs mark... I am thrilled!!
By Wednesday, November 3rd, I will be done with my round of HCG. I will continue with the 500 cal. protocol for three more days until Saturday. By Sunday I will start my maintenance protocol for three more weeks.
During this phase I will be able to up my daily calories to 1500. I will be able to eat good fats, proteins, veggies, and fruits. Except for sugars and starches, the sky is the limit!!
I am going to monitor my weight every morning. If there is an increase of more than two pounds, I will have to do a steak day, where you only eat an organic steak and tomato, and drink lots of water and green tea.
I have transformed my body and mind during this process. I feel more grounded, positive, light and regenerated from the inside out.
God is good. I am thankful for all the support, and Divine guidance!
HCG Diet: Day 34, October 29
Day 34 on HCG
Weight 147 lbs.
Lost 2 1/2" around waist
Waist is 34"
Abdomen 32"
The inches are dropping, the scale is not moving as fast as I want, but I am happy to conserve my muscle mass....I love my hiking!
Yesterday there was a lot of activity in my house, so I went to Sonoma and got adjusted by my favorite chiropractor, Dr. Robert Adams. Robert and I went to Palmer College and graduated in June of 1987!
Sonoma is really picturesque town. It has great food, unless you are doing my protocol. I was really hungry, so I ventured to one of my favorite eateries... I managed to get steamed broccoli, cauliflower, and organic grilled steak..... I could only eat a very small amount of this huge steak.... David had dinner ready when he got home!
It is amazing how much money I am saving doing HCG. I always have to divide a portion of protein into two. I cannot eat the same protein for dinner that I have for lunch, so David gets the other half!
David has lost 36 lbs himself without HCG drops!!!! Bravo!
I was really comfy in my urban outwear. I felt like just enjoying the freshly clean house and the late sunny afternoon in my patio, while I patiently eat a delicious pomegranate. I have been craving this fruit lately.... It is not really allowed on the HCG protocol, but my body really needs its nutrients and antioxidants. Just following my body signals... and a small craving for something different from the three fruits is allowed!
HCG Diet: Day 32, October 27
Day 32 on HCG
Weight 147.5
After all the excitement of my Wednesday hike, on Thursday I took the dogs for a very invigorating hike around my neighborhood. I didn't see any mountain lions around, only deer and rabbits, thank God!
My weight keeps dropping. I need to get more consistent with weighing my proteins. I have been eyeballing the portion size when I go to restaurants.
Overall, my food is more variable and tasty. While in Santa Fe, I got in the habit of adding chile verde to my food. It makes fish filets and veggies more appetizing!
This weekend, I am preparing for my event at Pharmaca. I will be giving a presentation there on my HCG protocol... Very exciting! I will be telling people that there is a real "weight loss cure" available, and I am a living example!!
Thursday, October 27, 2011
HCG Diet: Day 31, October 26th

Day 31
Weight: 148 lbs(?)
Today I completed 31 days on the HCG protocol. I had to do a very special hike, so in my lunch hour I went to Tennessee Valley. The day was perfect, sunny and clear. I decided to take Coyote Ridge and see the view of the valley and ocean from a different angle. I climbed for 45 minutes. What an splendid view of the Pacific ocean and all the coastal ridges... perfect scenery!! On my way back, as I was entering the Tennessee Valley trail again, I saw the most magnificent mountain lion. He was just standing right there about 10 feet from me... I just stood still, looking at him as he was looking at me with an attitude of indifference. I was not afraid at that moment - I was astonished! Here I was in front of what I always dread to encounter during my hikes... and yet I felt peaceful and blessed by such a magnificent creature!!
I turned my head for split second to see if anybody else was witnessing the mountain lion, and noticed another hiker that was just turning the corner... when I saw the mountain lion disappear into the bushes.... like a vision, I saw the wave of the bushes as he climbed the hill... That was a true totem, and an omen of courage and strength!
After that special event I felt blessed all day. I can't even recall my weight this morning, life was magical and a total feeling of love surrounded me for the rest of the day!!
HCG Diet: Day 28-29, October 23-24th

Days 28th-29th on HCG
Weight Day 28: 149 lbs
Weight Day 29: 148.50... yeah!!
On the 29th day I did a big jump!
I have been active, exploring the beauty of Fall by Ojo Caliente Springs, and of course soaking up in the hot springs was sure a treat!
For traveling and being active, I have kept good control of my food, portion size, quality. I am pretty much right on target with my protocol.
Some days it seems like the scale is not budging. I get impatient, but then... it just starts going down in the right direction.
Tomorrow, will be my first full month anniversary on the HCG protocol... a big milestone!! I will also be leaving my beautiful Santa Fe. I am very grateful for God's support in this journey, and for the support of my loving husband!
Thank you God for bringing "Heaven on Earth" on my daily existence. I truly feel blessed.
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
HCG Diet: Day 27, October 22nd

Day 27 on HCG
Weight: 149.5 lbs.
The scale did not move!! Well, I know what happened... I had a very steep hike up by the Santa Fe ski basin, on the beautiful Aspen Vista trail. It was fabulous to see the trees before they drop their golden foliage.
The hike was intense at 10.000 ft. above sea level.
I was able to handle one and a half hours of hiking... It came with the cost of overexertion: fluid retention. That's my hypothesis.
I also mixed strawberries and one pomegranate for desert. I was just going to have half of the pomegranate, but it tasted sooo good, I could not stop.... Ha ha!
Today I slept late. The casita was so cozy, I did not get to town until 2:00 pm, in perfect time for my grilled buffalo burger with lots of greens, and lots of chile verde for flavor!
My friend Guadalupe was having a fashion show event at her shop. It was really fun to get dressed up and get complements from friends on my new figure...... I love Santa Fe!!
HCG Diet: Day 25-26, October 20-21st
Day 25-26
On Day 26 my weight is 149.5 lbs.
I am finally out of the 150s barrier. I am jumping and dancing with spirit this glorious, sunny morning!
Beautiful Friday morning in Santa Fe. Woke up feeling good after a long day of travel. I did very good traveling, I had my grilled chicken from the night before with baby spinach, had lots of herbal teas, my apple and lots of water. I felt relaxed even in the midst of traveling in airport chaos.....
Now I am back to "Present time" in my heaven. I am preparing myself for the sight of the forest of Aspen trees with their gorgeous golden leaves. I will take a good hike..... absorbing the Fall season at its peak!
I am a Fall color person. I love all the richness and hues of the golden to the rust colors, these are my colors!
The only thing missing from my "heaven" is my soulmate David. He was not able to come with me to our Santa Fe, but we will be back and truly have a wonderful white Christmas!
HCG Diet: Day 22-24, October 17-19th
Day 22-24 on HCG
Day 24: weight: 151 Lbs
BMI: 26.9%
I am BMI went to the 26.9 range compare to 30 just one month ago!!!
I am preparing to go out of my comfort zone, and travel to Santa Fe, NM... my favorite city in USA.
Santa Fe will be safe, as they have lots of delicious organic foods. I got the perfect casita with a well-equipped kitchen. I will be able to cook most of my meals!
I mostly want to see the golden Aspen trees and feel the fall season in its peak splendor. I am thankful!